Domestic violence is one of the most talked about topics in America. Though it’s not a topic many people like to dwell on, it’s something that must be discussed and addressed. One of the main reasons we need to talk about domestic violence is because its consequences can have lasting effects on both those who live with abuse and those who experience abuse. We hope this post will help you understand domestic violence call services, what causes it, and what can be done to stop this silent killer of families.
There are many different types of domestic violence, but the kind most people are familiar with is physical or assaultive abuse. This can include hitting, punching, kicking, and other forms of painful aggression. While many believe that all domestic violence is physical abuse and are understood as such, this is not the case. Physical abuse occurs in relationships with no actual threat to life or safety.
Though many people believe injuries are the result of a fight, when you look at the amount of injuries that occur during a physical assault, you will see how different they are from athletes who fight in competition. Those in a domestic violence relationship are inflicted with far more injuries than those who compete.
There are many kinds of domestic violence, but the type that is all too common is inflicting psychological stress on your partner. This includes ignoring them, threatening them and their family, minimizing their presence in a relationship and personal goals, controlling their finances and personal life, and making them feel like they have no options besides staying with you. These kinds of abuse typically occur several times, with one event building on another to create a lasting effect.
While this may not seem like physical abuse, it can be considered domestic violence, depending on the severity of the situation. If you or someone you know is experiencing this kind of abuse, please understand that there are places to go where you can get help. This can be…
Alright, you’ve made it this far into the post. We can help you understand what causes domestic violence and why you should stop it immediately.
Though the reasons are nuanced and not always clear, many factors contribute to domestic violence in various ways…
Many people think that all men or women who commit domestic violence have an anger problem and escalate their violent actions. Fortunately, this is not true in most cases. Most abusers are passive-aggressive until their victim (who is typically a woman) reacts with anger. Many abusers act out when they feel their partner has crossed the line of how they want them to act.